Shareholder Returns

Basic Policy on Profit Distribution and Shareholder Benefits

Basic Policy on Profit Distribution
As for profit distribution, we lay emphasis on being fair and impartial for all stakeholders. Our basic policy is to return appropriate profits to our shareholders, while seeking to strengthen our financial position and management base.
Specifically, we will strive to pay continuous and stable dividends, aiming for a dividend on equity ratio (DOE) of 2.0% or more, taking into consideration the consolidated net assets and consolidated results, while balancing retained earnings.
With respect to share repurchases, we will be handled flexible manner, while considering the level of necessary retained earnings, as well as changes in the business environment, stock price trends, financial conditions, and other factors.
Basic Capital Policy

Dividend status

Shareholder Benefits

We have introduced a shareholder benefit program to express our gratitude to our shareholders for their ongoing support and to increase the attractiveness of investing in our shares and to encourage more people to hold our shares over the medium to long term.

Shareholder Benefits

Shareholder benefits are available to shareholders residing in Japan who hold 300 shares (3 units) or more as listed or recorded in the our shareholder registry as of March 31 of each year.

Details of Shareholder

Cash certificates (QUO cards) will be presented to eligible shareholders according to the number of shares held and the number of years of continuous ownership.

Number of shares held Continuous holding period
Less than 3 years Less than 3 years
300 shares or more but
less than 1,000 shares
1,000 yen 2,000 yen
1,000 shares or more 2,000 yen 3,000 yen

The number of shares held will be determined based on the number of shares held as stated or recorded in the Company's shareholder registry as of March 31 of each year.
Shareholders who have held shares for three or more fiscal years shall be those who have been listed or recorded seven or more times in the our shareholder registry as of March 31 and September 30 of each year under the same shareholder number.

Time and method of

QUO Cards will be sent to eligible shareholders by enclosing them with the notice of resolution to be sent after the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Image of QUO card