Privacy policy

Handling of Personal Information

Although it may set to the active conduct of business for our company and personal information, such as a client and a customer, may be acquired and used, HISAKA observes the law "the Act for Protection of Personal Data held by Administrative Organs" about protection of personal information, and promises to deal with it strictly based on HISAKA "Protection of Persona Information Plan".

1.HISAKA considers Protecting Personal Information appropriately our company to be the social duty of us , and it promotes the next measure.

2.HISAKA places an individual information gathering person in charge for every section which deals with personal information, and strives for suitable management of personal information while it carries out the educational activities to an employee and also places a Personal Information Management person in charge into the compliance committee.

3.HISAKA strives for disclosure of the individual data which our company deals with, destruction or prevention of an alteration, and the other safety controls of individual data by taking the required and suitable measure against an information security.

4.HISAKA uses personal information only for the use purpose notified or released (public presentation) or the use purpose clear from the situation of acquisition except for the case where it approves by the statute, when there is his consent beforehand.

5.HISAKA does not provide any third person other than the outsourcing place of our company with individual data except for the case where it approves by the statute, when there is his consent beforehand.

6.HISAKA aims at prevention of the disclosure and re-offer from the third person etc. by the method of obligation by the contract, as long as there is no special situation, when providing a third person with possession individual data.

7.HISAKA corresponds in the rational range, when the check of possession individual data, correction, etc. are wished. Please offer to our correspondence Section (Personal Departrment personal informtion consultation contact : mail address for corresponding to our company.

8.HISAKA improves the contents of the compliance program containing this plan continuously, and strives for the improvement while it observes the norm of the many statutes and others related to protection of personal information.