Using plate heat exchangers
as our core technology,
we provide thermal solutions
to HISAKA fans all over the world.

Ever since having developed the first plate heat exchanger (PHE) in 1955, we have built up a long track record of deliveries for heat exchange process in various industries through our wide lineup from ultra-compact brazed heat exchangers (BHE) to world largest plate heat exchangers. We have been expanding our business domain in response to the rapidly changing global economy and market trends, and we will further accelerate our efforts to achieve the SDGs goals by 2030 and a carbon neutral, decarbonized society by 2050. We will continue to lead the industry as a "pioneer of plate heat exchangers" and propose a wide variety of heat-related solutions with plate heat exchangers as our core technology.
Carbon Neutral Transformation Various thermal solutions offered by Heat Exchanger Division to achieve carbon neutrality

Energy Decarbonization (Low-carbonization)
As global warming and disasters caused by climate change become more severe, it is important to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in energy production and consumption in order to protect the global environment and realize a sustainable society in the future.
We are contributing to the realization of decarbonization (low-carbonization) of energy through the low-carbonization of thermal power generation, the introduction of renewable energy, the use of decarbonized fuels, and the promotion of nuclear power generation.
CO?Capture Technology
From the perspective of stable power supply and resilience measures, it is necessary to operate a certain amount of thermal power generation to secure domestic power demand. In addition, some industries cannot avoid emitting raw material-derived CO, and it is essential to separate and recover the emitted. CO separation and recovery technology is an essential technology for achieving carbon neutrality, and we are contributing to realize an efficient recovery process.
Energy Utilization Facilities
It is important to use energy efficiently and prevent wasteful use of resources in order to reduce energy consumption and promote a stable energy supply and prevention of global warming.
We offer a variety of thermal solutions, including the use of unused heat sources such as seawater and river water, technology to recover and reuse waste heat discharged from factories and power plants, and technology to utilize waste heat generated during power generation, as these technologies show an important role in realizing a sustainable society.
See through the key point and essence of things
by seeing things in a wide and holistic way
Based on our "CSR-SDGs Vision," we are striving to analyze the needs in the markets and applications from the customer's perspective widely and deeply and to provide the best optimal "thermal solutions" through our products and services.
CSR‐SDGs Vision
- Providing solutions utilizing technologies possessed by HISAKA.
- Become a company where everyone can play an active role in health by taking advantage of diversity.
- Become a company with strong disaster response capabilities.
- Reduce CO emissions through MOTTAINAI activities
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
- Growth through improved governance and appropriate business operations.
- Providing solutions for solving social issues through partnerships.